Benjamin C Dearnley                                           Fragments of our time



EXTENDED run to September 25th.

August 1st - 30th 10-1 and 2-4pm Mondays to Fridays An Diseart, Dingle.

A community project to celebrate the centenary of Ireland's Master stained glass artist, Harry Clarke (1889-1932) and his 12 windows in the chapel of An Diseart in Dingle


Kindly supported by Kerry County Council's Creative Communities and An Diseart of Dingle

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    Let The Light In

  • Summer Show

    Summer Show 1st - 30th 

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A Creative Communities Project

Mini Masterpieces

Stained Glass made easy and fun

A schools and community based project for Dingle led by Artist Ben Dearnley. This is a local celebration of the centenary of Harry Clarke’s windows here in an Diseart. There were intended to be a Celtic interpretation of bible scenes by an Irish artist and were commissioned in 1922 & later installed in April of 1924. They marked a turning point in Irish history as Harry Clarke was a major part of the Celtic revival taking place at that time. This set of 12 windows is one of his greatest works and is true jewel in the crown of West Kerry.

The schools taking part are, Scoil Lognaid Ris with the 2 panels of John the Baptist and Christ, and Bunscoil an Chloca with 2 panels of St. Kathryn and Mary. These panels reflect the diocese of Dingle with the churches of Ventry (St.Kathryn), Lispol (St.Jonh) and Dingle, Mary. Each individual piece was sketched from a draft created by Ben for these sessions, and filled in by pupils after a study visit to an Diseart to view the Harry Clarke set of 12 windows.

The members of the residential care home in Green Street, Gairdin Mhuire created Panel 5 where an art session given by Ben to showcase the Harry Clark windows along with their amazing resident artist Una. The theme here was able to produce a wonderful set of freestyle artworks with the nature of Dingle coming out strongly.

Cruinniu na Org Day
Panel: 6/7Freestyle artworks on the theme of Nature in Dingle. Many children were able to join in this full days open workshop led by Ben.

Panel: 8
This final panel will be created during a full day ‘open studio’ day on the 17th August as part of Ireland’s Heritage Week. The public are invited to come and join in with this project, getting a guided tour of the chapel to inspire them and then helping them to get creative.

The workshops have all been a great success with many attending from across Ireland, Sligo to Castleisland and throughout West Kerry, and some from as far away as Australia and the USA. So many in fact that we needed to create another panel to accommodate all the work! All were treated to a private view of the Harry Clarke windows in the upstairs Chapel of an Diseart and then invited to make their own Mini Masterpieces in the temporary art Studio downstairs.

The below videos are from the lager project which will become an exhibition in August in Dingle. Look out for more updates to come.

Let The Light In. Open session for the young.

15th June: Over 100 joined in with this creative workshop, making it one of the most successful single artist led events in West Kerry for this day.

This one day free workshop for the young, was open to the public and designed to allow the younger members of the family to have a go at making their own mini masterpiece of stained glass like art work. Families were invited to see the amazing set of Harry Clarke windows in the Chapel at An Diseart, then to come to the workshop and be guided to make their own work of art. The mini masterpieces were collected throughout the day and assembled into stained glass like windows where all the works from the day came together to make wonderful collections of Art filled with colour and light.

The below was the advert for the Cruinniiu na nOg workshop

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